Denying Manpower

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AllianceDenying Manpower
Start Sentinel Tysha Moonblade
End Sentinel Tysha Moonblade
Level 5-30
Category Darkshore
Experience 740
Reputation +250 Darnassus
Rewards  [Cover of Leaves]
or  [Tysha's Chestguard]
or  [Sentinel's Leafbough Chestpiece]
5s 65c
Shareable Yes


Kill 6 Horde Enforcers and 6 Shatterspear Mystics.


To the north, the Shatterspear have a war camp where they are constructing their catapults. The camp is guarded by some of their mystics, but I've started receiving reports that there are sightings of orcs and tauren there as well.

I don't want to make any assumptions as to what that suggests, but I do want you to go in and kill them before they can make any further strikes on our Sentinels.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc cape 11.png [Cover of Leaves] Inv chest leather 03.png [Tysha's Chestguard]
Inv chest leather 03.png [Sentinel's Leafbough Chestpiece]

You will also receive:


Have you finished the deed?


Excellent work. One more threat we can worry a bit less about. We'll continue the offensive while they are still off-guard.

Patch changes

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