Define "Crazy"

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AllianceDefine "Crazy"
Start Kelsey Steelspark
End Kelsey Steelspark
Level 15-30
Category Tanaris
Experience 6290
Rewards 70s (+37s 50c at max level)
Shareable Yes


Kill 10 Crazed Survivors.


We received reports that a goblin shipwreck occured[sic] on this beach some time ago, with the survivors left to fend for themselves. We expected there to be a modicum of survivors, perhaps some even suitable for interrogation.

What we found was a crew of Bilgewater goblins who have all become insane, delusional, and maniacally further degrees than is normally observed, rather.

In short, they are useless and dangerous. Gnomeregan will be best served by cutting down as many as we can.


You will receive: 70s (+37s 50c at max level)


I sincerely doubt you'd prefer to adjust our mechanostriders or oil my boots for spare copper instead, <name>. Go kill more goblins.


Your reports of their behavior are truly disturbing...but also slightly amusing.

If only that Dreadshredder wench had escaped on these vessels instead...

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