Defias Tower Patroller

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MobDefias Tower Patroller
Image of Defias Tower Patroller
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 23
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Defias Brotherhood
Location Klaven's Tower, Westfall
Status Killable

The Defias Tower Patrollers are humans who guard Klaven Mortwake in Klaven's Tower in Westfall. They disliked the "drones", and feared Klaven.


Jill says: Hey, Raven...
Raven says: Yea?
Jill says: Can we take a break? My feet are killing me, and those... those things down there are creeping me out.
Raven says: Klaven doesn't pay me enough to deal with those zombies, drones or whatever he calls 'em. I don't know, Jill. If Klaven comes down while we're slacking, we might end up as those things!
Jill says: You're probably right, Raven. I'm going back on patrol...


In the short conversation between the two patrollers, it is revealed that their names are Jill and Raven.

Patch changes

External links