Defias Blackguard

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MobDefias Blackguard
Image of Defias Blackguard
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 18 - 20 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Defias Brotherhood
Location Ironclad Cove, Deadmines
Status Killable

Defias Blackguards are elite humans of the Defias Brotherhood found in the Deadmines. They were talented and high-ranked assassins of the Defias Brotherhood, who had been chosen to safeguard the head of the Brotherhood, Edwin VanCleef. They deceptively hid in [Stealth], staying unseen to the intruders, waiting for a perfect timing to assassinate those who would threaten the Brotherhood.


  • Spell nature invisibilty.png Faded — Puts the caster in stealth mode. Lasts until canceled.
  • Ability stealth.png Stealth — Allows the rogue to sneak around, but reduces your speed by 40%. Lasts until canceled.

Notable loot

They had a chance to drop  [Stonemason Trousers].


  • Blackguards have rough 1400 health.

Before attacking the Edwin VanCleef, two Blackguards stealth in the room where VanCleed stands. When VanCleef is pulled, it will also attract the Blackguards to attack the group. When VanCleef has ~60% of his health left, he will call two other Blackguards to aid him.

Patch changes

External links