Defiant Troll

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NeutralDefiant Troll
Image of Defiant Troll
Gender Male
Race Forest troll (Humanoid)
Level 1-20
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Kaja'mine, Kezan[68.8, 80.7]

Defiant Trolls are Troll Slaves that can be found drinking, napping, and otherwise goofing off at the Kaja'mine of Kezan. Foreman Dampwick asked his boss to adjust their attitudes by zapping them with a Goblin All-In-1-Der Belt battery.

It's unknown what happened to them after Deathwing caused Mount Kajaro to erupt.


  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Enrage — Pushed too far! Applies a slight red tint to the troll.

Objective of


Good Help is Hard to Find
  • Don't tase me, mon!
  • I report you to HR!
  • I'm going. I'm going!
  • Oops, break's over.
  • Ouch! Dat hurt!
  • Sorry, mon. It won't happen again.
  • What I doin' wrong? Don't I get a lunch and two breaks a day, mon?
  • Work was bettah in da Undermine!


Foreman Dampwick later refers to them as jungle trolls even though they use forest troll models.[1]

Patch changes


  1. ^ H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [1-20] Miner Troubles

External links