Defensive Quills

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Defensive Quills
Trade archaeology spinedquillboarscepter.png
Usable by
Class Hunter
Pet Porcupine
School Physical
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Related buff
  • Defensive Quills
  • Versatility increased by 3%.

Defensive Quills was a pet ability available exclusively to the porcupine family of hunter pets, increasing player Versatility by 3%.

It was functionally identical to the bird of prey family's [Tenacity], the boar family's [Indomitable], the ravager family's [Chitinous Armor], and the stag family's [Grace], but surpassed in effectiveness by the [Wild Strength] of the clefthoof family and the [Strength of the Earth] of the worm family, which provide additional multistrike and stat bonuses, respectively.

Patch changes

External links