Defang the Faithless

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AllianceDefang the Faithless
Start Vorrik
End Vorrik
Level 35-60
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 16,450
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [35-60] Friends in Strange Places
Next A [35-60] The Keepers' Keys


Kill 12 Faithless attackers within the Temple Grounds.

  • Faithless slain (12)


Did you see them as we flew in? The Faithless are sieging the temple!

Friend, I know we just met but I must ask for your aid once more. Please, help us break their ranks!


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


The temple must be defended at all costs!


I've already heard how you sent the Faithless running!

On behalf of my people, thank you.


On accept of both of Vorrik's quests:

Vorrik says: I'll stay here and tend to the defenses. Thank you again, friend.

Eligible mobs are Faithless Aggressors, Faithless Wardens, Faithless Skycallers, Faithless Sandscouts, Faithless Ravagers, and Faithless Sentries.


  1. A [35-60] Foothold: Vol'dun
  2. A [35-60] Voyage to the West
  3. A [35-60] Ooh Rah!
  4. A [35-60] Establish a Beachhead
  5. A [35-60] Honor Bound
  6. A [35-60] Unexpected Aid & A [35-60] Poisoned Barbs
  7. A [35-60] Antidote Application
  8. A [35-60] Friends in Strange Places
  9. A [35-60] Defang the Faithless & A [35-60] Break the Siege & A [35-60] Breaking Free
  10. A [35-60] The Keepers' Keys
  11. A [35-60] Reporting In
  12. A [35-60] Champion: Magister Umbric
  13. A [35-60] Return to Boralus

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