Deepscale Tormentor

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MobDeepscale Tormentor
Image of Deepscale Tormentor
Race Saurok (Humanoid)
Level 1-20
Reaction Hostile
Affiliation(s) Deepscale tribe
Location Wreck of the Skyseeker, Wandering Isle
Status Killable

Deepscale Tormentors are saurok that can be found at the Wreck of the Skyseeker of the Wandering Isle. They attack the shipwrecked Alliance and Horde members. They attack with their doubleblade-axes.


  • Spell paladin hammerofwrath.png Smash — The caster smashes their weapon onto the ground in front of them. Enemies in the area suffer 285% weapon damage as Physical damage. The force of the swing causes the weapon to imbed itself into the ground. The caster must spend 3 sec freeing their weapon before they can resume combat.

Objective of


  • In the beta, they were originally named Deep Sea Tormentors.

Patch changes

External links