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Dead Twilight Cultist

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NeutralDead Twilight Cultist
No image available
Gender Male
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 25
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer
Location Zoram Strand, Ashenvale[17.2, 26.4]
Status Deceased

The Deceased Twilight Cultist is a dead tauren artisan of the Twilight's Hammer located in the Zoram Strand. He can be spoken to using an  [Elixir of Coalesced Regret], allowing crafters of sufficient skill to find the  [Handful of Shifting Scales] in Blackfathom Deeps.



The body of a Twilight's Hammer Cultist lies before you. Judging by the dagger bearing the insignia of the Twilight Hammer buried in his back, it seems that he somehow ran afoul of his compatriots. If he was still breathing to tell it, you feel like he'd have quite the story to tell.

Elixir of Coalesced Regret

<You can feel a slight pressure on your mind as something just outside your consciousness stirs. You hear a voice, trembling and small...>

You... who

No, you aren't right. You cannot help. Leave me... leave me be. You won't understand. Please... just go.

Elixir of Coalesced Regret and 100 Skill in Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, or Tailoring

<As you approach the Twilight Cultist corpse, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up>

<You can feel a slight pressure on your mind as something just outside your consciousness stirs...>

You... Can you... help? Will you... will... you see?

Yes... YES. You are... a maker. A crafter. A... creator. Like me... Yes? You must... help. I... something terrible... You... must help me...

Gossip Help you? Who are you?

I am... that is not important. I am... was... Artisan.

I make... made... things. Weapon... armor... but then... something terrible. She... in my dreams... she showed me how.

<The voice in your mind seems to shrink fearfully>

She showed me how. I made it for... her. But she... she... oh Earthmother, what have I done?

Gossip Slow down. Start from the beginning, please.

Very well...

<The voice pauses and resumes their tale, this time with renewed focus>

I was an Artisan... Twilight's Hammer... Kelris, the Sleepwalker. Yes. I equipped his forces. Crafted... marvelous things. It was... hard... but I had all I needed. Plied my trade. It wasn't... good. It was... enough.

Then she came.

She visited me in my dreams. Showed me... The Box. It changed things. Made them better, stronger. Such wonders... But The Box. It was... hungry. I... no idea the cost

Gossip Go on...

At first it was... just beasts. Old ones... lame ones... Not enough. Then... novices. The ones that we knew wouldn't make it... wouldn't find a place in the coven. It consumed... it created... the hunger... only grew. The wonders we created though... incredible. Eventually... the creations...

They too became.... hungry. Such power... and horror...

I knew... too far. I was so afraid. I didn't... I didn't know what to do.

Gossip So, what happened next?.

I had to.... do something. Stop it... He didn't yet know... the Sleepwalker... such power... If he had it... he would... an army. Invincible. Terrible. No emotion... just... hate and rage and hunger.

I... tried! I TRIED! destroy it. But I... it was beyond my ability. So I cast it away... the... crushing darkness. Somewhere I knew he... couldn't reach. Only the beast... Serra'kis could go there.

<Remain silent as he continues>

I... fled. Or... I tried. They found me... chased me. I fought them off... I think. Ran until... here.

So... tired... So... cold. Just needed to rest. Just for a moment.

<The voice seems to lose focus and grow distant for a moment before refocusing on your presence>

No time... you must... finish it. Find it... the box. Somehow. It... won't stay lost... not forever. He can't be allowed to... find it...

"I think I understand... but if you couldn't destroy it, how can I?"

The opposite of the void... the opposing force. Light. Hope.

I'm sorry... such a burden...

Oh... I... feel... I'm slipping away now. The darkness... danger... the beast... Serra'kis. May be the... key.

<The voice in your mind trails off and is gone. You are alone once again.>

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