Dark Watcher

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MobDark Watcher
Image of Dark Watcher
Gender Female
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 61 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Forsworn
Location Citadel of Loyalty, Bastion[27.8, 30.1]
Status Killable

The Dark Watcher is a kyrian located just outside the Citadel of Loyalty in Bastion. She can only be seen while dead. If you speak to her, she will restore you to life to do battle.


  • Spell animabastion missile.png Exoneration — Launch a volley of Anima at a target, inflicting 13 Arcane damage every 1 sec. for 3 sec.
  • Ability rogue envelopingshadows.png Seed of Doubt — Reduces haste by 10% for 12 sec. Upon expiration, inflicts 15 Arcane damage to all enemies in 5 yds.
  • Spell misc emotionsad.png Unleash Burdens — Inflicts Arcane damage and summons a manifestation from an enemy's psyche every 1 sec for 3 sec.
  • Spell fire blueflamebolt.png Valiant Bolt — Inflicts Arcane damage to an enemy.

Notable drops

Objective of


On approach

Come to me, wayward soul. I would have words with you.


I see you lingering on the edge, mortal. Do you feel the Maw pulling at your soul?

I admire your bravery, and your resilience. I would test it.

If you are truly what they say you are, then I challenge yuo: Defeat me, and walk Bastion once more. Succumb, and I shall divorce your anima from you once more.

What say you?

Gossip I accept your challenge.

The Dark Watcher casts Spell animabastion buff.png Dark Resurrection to revive you. A few moments afterward, she becomes hostile and attacks.


  • There's a graveyard right next to her, at [28.4, 28.9].
  • Though she can't be seen while you're alive, being near her will cause a debuff to appear: Spell shadow auraofdarkness.png Ominous Gaze — You feel as if you are being watched.

Patch changes

External links