Dangerous Compassion

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HordeDangerous Compassion
Start Gregor
End Warlord Krogg
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 6370
Reputation +75 Orgrimmar
Rewards  [Blood-Bind Sandals] or
 [Dragonheart Bracers] or
 [Heartblood Gauntlets]
4g 50s
Previous H [30-35] Emergency Aid


Bring the Crate of Dragonmaw Bandages back to Warlord Krogg off the coast of Dragonmaw Port.


The red dragonflight represents the aspect of life. As such, their blood has healing properties.

This crate of bandages has been soaked in red dragon blood. It is the last of my supply. May it bring a speedy recovery to your warriors.

Whatever the outcome of your negotiations here, do not forget that you have friends among the Dragonmaw.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv boots cloth cataclysm b 02.png [Blood-Bind Sandals] Inv bracer leather cataclysm b 01.png [Dragonheart Bracers]
Inv gauntlets plate cataclysm b 02.png [Heartblood Gauntlets]

You will also receive:


Do you bring any hope for our wounded?


Dragon's Blood!? We best not tell our red dragon allies that we've used these.

Still, it's powerful magic... We'll have our fighting force back in no time.


  1. H [30-35] Stalled Negotiations
  2. H [30-35] Madness
  3. H [30-35] Negotiations Terminated
  4. H [30-35] You Say You Want a Revolution
  5. H [30-35] Insurrection
  6. H [30-35] Death to Mor'ghor
  7. H [30-35] Securing the Beach Head
  8. H [30-35] Muddied Waters
  9. H [30-35] Saurfang Will be Pleased
  10. H [30-35] Traitor's Bait
  11. H [30-35] Return to the Highlands

Patch changes

External links