Dana Pull

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AllianceDana Pull
Image of Dana Pull
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 115
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ruff Waters, Boralus
Status Alive

Dana Pull is a human located in Ruff Waters in Boralus.


Item Cost
 [Mystery Bag] 2 Polished Pet Charm
 [Flawless Battle-Training Stone] 3 Polished Pet Charm
 [Ultimate Battle-Training Stone] 35 Polished Pet Charm
 [Marked Flawless Battle-Stone] 15 Polished Pet Charm
25x  [Battle Pet Bandage] 5 Polished Pet Charm
 [Lesser Pet Treat] 5 Polished Pet Charm
 [Pet Treat] 10 Polished Pet Charm
25x  [Magical Mini-Treat] 5 Polished Pet Charm
25x  [Magical Pet Biscuit] 5 Polished Pet Charm
5x  ["Dapper Gentleman" Costume] 1 Polished Pet Charm
5x  ["Dread Pirate" Costume] 1 Polished Pet Charm
5x  ["Little Princess" Costume] 1 Polished Pet Charm
5x  [Big Pink Bow] 1 Polished Pet Charm



Welcome to Ruff Waters! Looking for supplies for your good good[sic] boy or girl?

Buy Let me browse your goods.


After A [10-60] Inspection Gadget, he sends the player a message.

  • Subject: Robo-Rover

I found something you might like, scurrying out of the Rusted Vault. You should stop by my shop, Ruff Waters, the next time you're in Boralus.

Patch changes

External links