Daggercap Divin'

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AllianceDaggercap Divin'
Start Harold Lagras
End Harold Lagras
Level 10-30
Category Howling Fjord
Experience 20100
Rewards 4g 70s


Harold Lagras at the bottom of Daggercap Bay wants you to recover 10 Valgarde Supply Crates.


Hey... Uh... What's up? What are you doing down here?

Me? Oh... Well, you see... I'm... Um... I'm trying to clean this place up! Orders from Keller himself! He says to me, "Harry, I want you to put on a divin' bell and search the shipwrecks of Daggercap for OUR stuff..."

Say, maybe you could lend me a hand while you're down here. Throughout the bay here are all kinds of goodies, er, I mean supplies. Go out and bring me back whatever you find. Use this diving helm so you don't run out of air and die.


You will receive: 4g 70s


Did you find those supplies?


Wow! You sure are efficient. Yep, well, just give me those crates. I'll need to document them and take inventory and some other stuff that you haven't been trained to deal with or understand. Don't worry; I'll be sure to let Keller know what a great job you did down here. Yep. Yea, you can leave now. Skedaddle!


Accept the quest and immediately equip the  [Diving Helm] and start swimming towards the Buoy. As long as you stay in vision range of the buoy you'll be able to breathe underwater.

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