Cutting a Path

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AllianceCutting a Path
Start Scout Jorli
End Scout Jorli
Level 1-30
Category Bloodmyst Isle
Experience 1250 EXP (or 7s 80c at level 70)


Kill 10 Enraged Ravagers and return to Scout Jorli at Vindicator's Rest.


During our mission to reconnoiter the Sunhawks and their portal, I sustained a serious wound. Scout Loryi has managed to staunch the bleeding and she's trying to figure out a way to evacuate me to Blood Watch.

The problem is that we'd have to abandon our position here in order to guarantee a safe return.

As soon as we leave this consecrated ground, we'll be set upon by ravagers. If you can clear some of the enraged ravagers, it might allow us to make the trip back safely.


Have you managed to clear some of the ravagers in the area?


It looks a bit better out there, but I still wonder if I wouldn't be better off waiting for a medic here.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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