Culinary Facilitator Ta'sahm

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NeutralCulinary Facilitator Ta'sahm
Image of Culinary Facilitator Ta'sahm
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 51-60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Ta
Location Transfer Station Ta, Bastion

Culinary Facilitator Ta'sahm is a broker located at Transfer Station Ta in Bastion.


Inv drink 23.png (1)x [Aged Agrave Tequila]
3g 24s
Inv drink 29 sunkissedwine.png (1)x [Ardenwood Vermouth]
3g 24s
Inv cask 03.png (1)x [Barrel-Aged Stormstout]
Inv drink 30 blackheartgrog.png (1)x [Blackheart Grog]
1s 50c
Inv drink 28 gilneanfortifiedbrandy.png (2)x [Crimson Altar Wine]
3g 24s
Spell misc drink.png [Darkhaven Stout]
3g 24s
Trade alchemy dpotion a11.png (2)x [Drab of Tuica Moonshine]
3g 24s
Inv drink 10.png (1)x [Hook Point Schnapps]
3g 24s
Inv drink 03.png (2)x [Kul Tiran Tripel]
5g 24s
Inv drink 23.png [Mulled Faewine]
3g 24s
Inv drink 10.png (1)x [Sargeras Sangria]
Inv drink 30 blackheartgrog.png (3)x [Scrap Heap]
3s 40c
Inv drink 28 gilneanfortifiedbrandy.png (1)x [Shadeskin Brandy]
3g 24s
Inv drink 29 sunkissedwine.png (1)x [Torchberry Wine]
3g 24s
Inv misc beer 01.png (1)x [Tradewinds Kolsch]
3g 24s
Inv drink milk 03.png (2)x [White Tortollan]



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  • During the beta, they were renamed from Bartender Sahm.

Patch changes

External links