Crystalspawn Giant

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MobCrystalspawn Giant
Image of Crystalspawn Giant
Race Colossus (Giant)
Level 30-35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stonecore
Status Killable

Crystalspawn Giants are colossi found in the Stonecore. They are encountered in the area between the first and second boss, along with Stonecore Flayers and Rock Borers.


  • Spell nature earthshock.png Quake — Causes 18850 to 21150 (47125 to 52875 on heroic) Nature AoE-damage around the caster. 2 sec cast.
  • Inv misc qirajicrystal 02.png Crystal Shard — Creates a IconSmall Geode.gif Crystal Shard on the ground which will grow and then float towards a party member to explode.


  • Quake will only damage targets on the ground and it is therefore possible to avoid the damage altogether by jumping just before the cast-time is complete, so that you are in the air when it launches. It is possible to use [Levitate] in order to avoid the damage, but beware that any damage will break the spell.
  • The spawned IconSmall Geode.gif Crystal Shard should be killed the moment it spawns. Otherwise, it will grow to full size and float towards a member, exploding on contact and dealing a lot of damage AoE, as well as giving the affected a debuff which causes them to take 25% more damage.

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