Creeping Death

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For the warlock talent, see [Creeping Death].
HordeCreeping Death
Start Kiro
End Kiro
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 16,450 (at level 110)
Reputation +150 Voldunai
Rewards 19g 40s (at level 110)
Previous H [30-60] Searching the Ruins
Next H [30-60] Effective Antivenom


Collect 7 Scorpashi Stingers in Zul'Ahjin.


Scorposhi[sic] venom usually induces a slow, creeping death.

It's remarkable that your friend has survived this long.

As with most antivenoms, the thing that kills is also the thing that heals.

I'll need to extract the venom from several scorpashi stingers to craft the cure.

When the extracted poison is mixed with cactus root salve, we will have the antivenom we need to treat his wounds.


You will receive:


Do you have the scorpashi stingers?


Be gentle with the scorpashi stingers, it will only complicate matters worse if one of us become poisoned. The venom of the scorpashi is highly toxic.


Pick up H [30-60] Nature's Remedy before leaving. The stingers drop from Scorpashi Direclaws and Scorpashi Venomtails across Zul'Ahjin.


  1. H [30-60] Knowledge of the Past
  2. H [30-60] Searching the Ruins
  3. H [30-60] Creeping Death & H [30-60] Nature's Remedy
  4. H [30-60] Effective Antivenom
    1. Side chain: H [30-60] Magic Decoder Device
    2. H [30-60] Expedite the Excavation & H [30-60] Exterminate the Vermin (optional) & H [30-60] Rescue the Relics
    3. H [30-60] Power of the Overseer
  5. H [30-60] The Secrets of Zul'Ahjin
  6. H [30-60] Hollow, Empty Eyes
  7. H [30-60] Sulthis' Stone

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