Crazed Gyreworm

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MobCrazed Gyreworm
Image of Crazed Gyreworm
Race Gyreworm (Beast)
Level 120
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dragon's Spine, Neltharion's Lair
Status Killable
Pet family Shale beast

Crazed Gyreworms are gyreworms located in the Dragon's Spine in Neltharion's Lair.


Patch changes

  • Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Now categorized as Beasts instead of Elementals. Now tamable.
  • BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png Patch 8.2.0 (2019-06-25): Added.

External links