Converted Guardian

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MobConverted Guardian
Image of Converted Guardian
Race Automa (Mechanical)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mawsworn
Location Provis Strata[50.8, 50.4] and Provis Flora, Zereth Mortis[41.8, 53.6]
Status Killable

The Converted Guardian is an automa constructor first seen being dominated by Kin'tessa in Provis Strata in Zereth Mortis during N [60] Scour the Sands. During N [60] In Plain Sight, Kin'tessa and the guardian move to Provis Flora, where she uses the automa to destroy one of the obelisks of the Forge of Afterlives before setting it loose on Darion Mograine and the player.


Objective of

Patch changes

External links

Scour the Sands In Plain Sight