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Colossal Realmcrafter

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MobColossal Realmcrafter
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Race Automa (Mechanical)
Level 62 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mawsworn
Location Sepulcher of the First Ones
Status Killable

Colossal Realmcrafters are automa located in the Sepulcher of the First Ones.


  • Spell progenitor debuff.png Collapsing Reality — The caster shapes reality for 12 sec, inflicting 14989 Cosmic damage every 2 sec to all players and creating pockets of torn reality at their locations. Players struck by these suffer 18736 Cosmic damage and unpredictable status effects.
  • Spell progenitor buff.png Manifest Pattern — Dominating progenitor manifestations.
  • Spell progenitor areadenial.png Quaking Stomp — Stomps the ground, inflicting 29977 Cosmic damage to enemies within 60 yds and knocking them back.
  • Spell progenitor debuff.png Shape Reality — The caster shapes reality for 12 sec, inflicting 14989 Cosmic damage every 2 sec to all players and creating pockets of torn reality at their locations. Players struck by these suffer 18736 Cosmic damage and unpredictable status effects.
  • Spell progenitor nova.png Shimmering Bombardment — Radiant orbs bombard the area, inflicting 67449 Cosmic damage to players with 5 yards of the impact area and increases all damage taken by mawsworn by 60% for 20 sec.

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