Coilfang Guardian

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Main article: The Lurker Below
MobCoilfang Guardian
Image of Coilfang Guardian
Gender Male
Race Naga (Humanoid)
Level 70 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Coilfang tribe
Location Serpentshrine Cavern
Status Killable

Coilfang Guardians are naga found in Serpentshrine Cavern.


These mobs spawn as adds in the The Lurker Below encounter. When The Lurker Below dives, he spawns a total of 9 adds: 6 ranged Coilfang Ambushers (2 on each platform), and 3 melee Coilfang Guardians. All these adds can be crowd controlled.


The first two should be tanked by the Main Tank and Off Tank and the last one should be tanked by one of the DPS warriors/feral druids whose platform adds are dead. They need to be sheeped and killed one by one. When each pack of Ambushers dies, the group that's killing them has to switch to the Guardians.


  • Arcing Smash - Lashes out in a vicious arc, inflicting normal damage plus 125 to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Hamstring - Inflicts 20% weapon damage to an enemy, reducing its movement speed for 5 sec.
  • Teleport - Teleports the caster from the current location to the location of the target.


Guardians must be killed before The Lurker emerges, or he will probably bug. Also note that if the guardians are not sheeped fast enough they will teleport to the platforms if one of the healers there gets aggro.

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