The Codex of Xerrath (ability)

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For the item, see  [The Codex of Xerrath].
The Codex of Xerrath
Inv misc codexofxerrath nochains.png
Class Warlock

The Codex of Xerrath is a passive warlock ability learned by defeating Kanrethad Ebonlocke and completing the Pursuing the Black Harvest scenario, which corrupts all of the warlock's fire spells with fel magic, giving them a green, entropic fire effect. Icons, spell effects, and UI elements are all affected. It also alters the appearance of [Metamorphosis], causing it to resemble Kanrethad's green demon form.

The ability can be unlearned by speaking to Jubeka Shadowbreaker in Shadowmoon Valley after completing the quest, for 500g. It can be relearned by clicking on Kanrethad's banished form, located atop a nearby hill.

Affected spells

In addition, [Chaos Bolt], which is green to begin with, becomes larger and resembles Kanrethad's empowered version.

Also for Destruction Warlocks, the [Burning Embers] UI graphic turns green.

Unlocking green fire

The ability can be unlocked by defeating Kanrethad Ebonlocke at the end of the Pursuing the Black Harvest scenario. (see Kanrethad Ebonlocke (tactics) for further details). Once unlocked it can be toggled on and off at The Hand of Gul'dan.

Switching between green and orange fire

Once the ability is unlocked, it can be turned on by siphoning fel magic of a banished Kanrethad at the Altar of Damnation near the Hand of Gul'dan at Shadowmoon Valley.

To turn off the effect, speak to Jubeka Shadowbreaker who is also at the Altar of Damnation and ask her to remove the fel corruption. This will return your fire spells to their default color.


Patch changes

External links