Cloth Scavenging (quest)

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NeutralCloth Scavenging
Start Northrend tailoring trainer
End Northrend tailoring trainer
Level 10-30
Category Tailoring
Experience 1,150
Rewards [Cloth Scavenging]

Cloth Scavenging is five slightly different quests of the exact same name - two for Alliance, two for Horde and one neutral in Dalaran with the Kirin Tor - that all do the same thing: teach tailors the Cloth Scavenging ability.


  • Required Money: 5g


Charles Worth (Kirin Tor)

  • As a Tailor I think you are ready to learn what I have to teach.
Many of the northern humanoids wear clothes that can quickly be converted into cloth if you have the proper skill.
For a couple of gold coins I can teach you the skill of Cloth Scavenging that will give you additional cloth from the humanoids of Northrend.
  • I think you will find this skill helps you a great deal on your path to tailoring greatness!


Darin Goodstitch (Valiance Keep)
  • The cut of your clothes suggests to me that you are a Tailor yourself and could easily learn the skill that I have to teach.
Many of the northern humanoids wear clothes that can quickly be converted into cloth if you know the knack of doing it.
For a small fee I can teach you the art of Cloth Scavenging that will give you additional cloth from the humanoids of Northrend.
  • Turn that extra cloth you find into something that looks marvelous!
Benjamin Clegg (Valgarde)
  • You look like someone who knows their way around a needle and thread so maybe I can help you.
The northern humanoids wear clothes that can quickly be converted into cloth if you know how.
For a few gold I am willing to teach you the art of Cloth Scavenging that will give you additional cloth from the humanoids of Northrend.
  • Come back when you have the skill and I can provide all of your tailoring training.


Raenah (Warsong Hold)
  • You be looking like da type who be knowin' how to sew some threads and so I got somethin' for ya.
Da humanoids of da north be wearin' tings dat can be changed into cloth if you be knowin' da trick of it.
If you been willin' to part with some cash I can teach you da skill of Cloth Scavenging that be givin' ya extra frostweave cloth from the humanoids of Northrend.
  • I be appreciatin' your business.
Alexandra McQueen (Vengeance Landing)
  • The humanoids of the northern lands wear garments that can be converted into cloth if you know how.
For a few gold I am willing to teach you the art of Cloth Scavenging that will give you additional frostweave cloth from the humanoids of Northrend that you slay.
  • May you slay many humanoids and take their cloth.


You will learn:

[Cloth Scavenging]


  • A tailoring skill of 325 is required to obtain this quest.

Patch changes

External links

Dalaran Valiance Keep Valgarde Warsong Hold Vengeance Landing