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Clive DelGando

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NeutralClive DelGando
Image of Clive DelGando
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Camp Murroch, Ringing Deeps

Clive DelGando is a goblin located in the inn of Camp Murroch in south-central Ringing Deeps. When asked about the Shoeduck behind him (It's a duck! It has shoes!), he has this to say:

Welcome to DelGando's. Need any snacks for the road?

Gossip What's with the stuffed duck wearing shoes?

Shoeduck is NOT for sale.

Gossip Okay...
Gossip Where did it get the shoes?

The Shoeduck. Is NOT. For SALE.

If players try to speak with Ferno, the fire elemental innkeeper in the back of the fire:

Clive DelGando says: Don't mind Ferno. He's askin' if you want to bind your hearthstone here. Probably.

Patch changes

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