Clefthoof Training: Ironbore (Horde)

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HordeClefthoof Training: Ironbore
Start Tormak the Scarred
End Tormak the Scarred
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Nagrand
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (20)
30g 80s
Previous H [40] Clefthoof Training: Thundercall
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [40] Clefthoof Training: Ironbore.


Defeat Ironbore while riding your Clefthoof-In-Training.


You have defeated foes in the sky and on land, and even in the rain. Next, you face beasts beneath your very feet.

The rockworm is a cunning predator, striking at prey from below the sands. Many beasts of Nagrand have grown wary of the rumbling of the earth. Take your mount on out to the sandy shores and test it against the elder worm Ironbore.


You will receive: 30g 80s


You stand strong, though the ground crumbles. Admirable.

Allow your mount to rest for the night.

Patch changes

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