Cleansing Our Crevasse

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AllianceCleansing Our Crevasse
Start Karnum Marshweaver
End Karnum Marshweaver
Level 10-30
Category Desolace
Experience 3100
Reputation +250 Cenarion Circle
Rewards  [Leggings of the Windy Ravine] or  [Craggy Handgrips] or  [Marshweaver's Wristguards]
Previous A [10-30] An Impactful Discovery
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-30] Cleansing Our Crevasse.


Use Maurin's Concoction to kill 10 Slitherblade Invaders, 10 Slitherblade Sirens, and 3 Sea Giants.


I recognize this foul creation. It's a terrible disease that kills almost instantly, and in a most violent manner. Loathe as I am to employ such devices, I fear we have no choice here.

As you of course know, the naga remain a serious threat to the region. The time has come for us to drive them back into the sea!

When you are ready, Grimfeather will take you to the crevasse where they are preparing a violent assault.

Use the concoction on the naga and their allies to make Desolace safe!


Have you dealt with the naga in our crevasse, <name>?


Your deeds continue to impress me, <name>.

Please accept this gift on behalf of the Cenarion Circle.


You will receive: 35s

You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pants cloth 39v3.png [Leggings of the Windy Ravine] Inv gauntlets 116.png [Craggy Handgrips]
Inv bracer 78v1.png [Marshweaver's Wristguards]


  1. A [10-30] Thargad's Camp
  2. A [10-30] Infernal Encroachment & A [10-30] Portals of the Legion
  3. A [10-30] Hunting Brendol
  4. A [10-30] An Impactful Discovery
  5. A [10-30] Cleansing Our Crevasse

Patch changes

External links