Chimaeric Horn

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HordeChimaeric Horn
Start Orm Stonehoof
End Orm Stonehoof
Level 30 (Requires 20)
Category Warrior
Experience 1200
Previous H Warrior [30] Orm Stonehoof and the Brutal Helm
Next H Warrior [30] Brutal Helm


Bring a Galvanized Horn to Orm Stonehoof in Thunder Bluff.


I will make you the helm, but you must show me you are worthy of it.

Nestled in the southwestern reaches of the Stonetalon Mountains lies the Charred Vale. It was once a verdant place, but is now defiled and ashen, and what creatures remain there are mad with pain and despair.

That place is where I send you, <name>.

You must go to the Charred Vale and find a chimaera matriarch. Slay her, free her of her misery. Bring me her galvanized horn as proof, and I shall make for you the helm.


You will receive:


Do you have the horn? Is the matriarch free of pain?


You have completed your task, <name>, and shown me your worth and resolve. The helm will be yours...


The easiest way to get to the Charred Vale is to fly to Sun Rock Retreat and then follow a torch-lined path at the back of the village. This will take you over the mountain and directly into the Charred Vale. You will have to search around to find the Matriarch, although she usually appears in the southern end of the Vale.


  1. H Warrior [20] Speak with Ruga
  2. H Warrior [20] Trial at the Field of Giants
  3. H Warrior [20] Speak with Thun'grim
  4. H Warrior [30] Brutal Armor
  5. H Warrior [30] Brutal Hauberk

Completing Brutal Hauberk opens up three additional quest chains:

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