Champion of Chi-Ji (achievement)

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For the NPC, see Champion of Chi-Ji.

Champion of Chi-Ji is a quest achievement earned for defeating every challenger at the Cradle of Chi-Ji.


The list of quests that are needed to be completed:

  1. N [15-35 Daily] Ellia Ravenmane
  2. N [15-35 Daily] Minh Do-Tan
  3. N [15-35 Daily] Ellia Ravenmane: Rematch
  4. N [15-35 Daily] Fat Long-Fat
  5. N [15-35 Daily] Julia Bates
  6. N [15-35 Daily] Dextrous Izissha
  7. N [15-35 Daily] Kuo-Na Quillpaw
  8. N [15-35 Daily] Ellia Ravenmane: Revenge
  9. N [15-35 Daily] Tukka-Tuk
  10. N [15-35 Daily] Huck Wheelbarrow
  11. N [15-35 Daily] Mindel Sunspeaker
  12. N [15-35 Daily] Yan Quillpaw
  13. N [15-35 Daily] Fat Long-Fat: Rematch
  14. N [15-35 Daily] Thelonius
  15. N [15-35 Daily] Ellia Ravenmane: Redemption

The quests are offered in the order above, if a player has completed N [15-35 Daily] Yan Quillpaw the last time, the N [15-35 Daily] Fat Long-Fat: Rematch quest will be offered next time.


  • Previously, players could use the IsQuestFlaggedCompleted to track their progress for this achievement. Since around Shadowlands, every daily will return true after completing one of the dailies for the day or false if they haven't done it that day.

Patch changes

External links