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Champion Sentinel

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Not to be confused with Champion Sentinel (Alterac Valley).
AllianceChampion Sentinel
No image available
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 120 Elite
Reaction Horde
Affiliation(s) Sentinels
Location Battle for Darkshore

Champion Sentinels are night elves located in the Battle for Darkshore.


  • Inv throwingchakrum 01.png Hurl — Victims caught in the path of the chakram suffer Physical damage.
  • Inv throwingchakrum 01.png Hurl — Throws a glaive that will circle around the caster for a brief period of time. Enemies caught in the missile's path take Physical damage.
  • Ability glaivetoss.png Hurl — The caster hurls several glaives that fan out in a cone, inflicting 10 Physical damage to all in their path.
  • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Sentinel's Glaive — Hurls a glaive at the target, inflicting Physical damage. The glaive will bounce to any nearby enemies up to 3 times.

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