Challenges in Bastion (Necrolord)

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For other versions, see Challenges in Bastion.
NecrolordChallenges in Bastion
Start Grandmaster Vole
End Grandmaster Vole
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Calling Quest
Category Necrolord Callings
Reputation +2,000 The Ascended
Rewards  [Tribute of the Paragon]
 [Emblem of Renown]
50x [Valor]


Complete the Disloyal Denizens World Quest, the Spires of Ascension Dungeon, or the Necrotic Wake Dungeon in Bastion.

  • Defeat the powerful foes of Bastion


We consider the denizens of Bastion to be allies of a sort. Without their service, we would have no souls, and without souls, we could not raise armies, and without armies, we could not smash our fists against one another in the glorious theatre of battle!

<Grandmaster Volo[sic] laughs and smashes his weapon around.>

We must aid them against their foes, or else the arena will sit barren, and we can't have that!

Find their greatest enemies and turn their bones into golden dust.


You will receive:

You will receive:
Item bastion paragonchest 02.png [Tribute of the Paragon] Inv misc covenant renown.png [Emblem of Renown]
Pvecurrency-valor.png 50x [Valor]


Have you clipped their wings?


You return victorious, atop a mountain of bloody feathers! Ha ha! Glorious!

Patch changes

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