Cecil Chiobrix

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NeutralCecil Chiobrix
Image of Cecil Chiobrix
Title <Mix Recorder>
Race Maldraxxi necromancer (Humanoid)
Level 53-60
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undying Army
Location Plague Watch, Maldraxxus

Cecil Chiobrix is a Maldraxxi necromancer located by the Pool of Mixed Monstrosities at Plague Watch in Maldraxxus.


Overlooking the pool
  • In earlier tests, we mixed equal parts of Mephitic Goo and Miscible Ooze, creating a greenish liquid with violent repercussions.
  • A mixture of primarily Mephitic Goo should consume lesser quantities of other ingredients and produce a violent reaction in the resulting sediment.
  • A perfect balance of Mephitic Goo and Viscous Oil could create a beautiful violet colored monstrosity.
  • A large enough quantity of Miscible Ooze, should result in a jelly-like construct.
  • I theorize that an equal three-part mixture of Mephitic Goo, Viscous Oil, and Miscible Ooze could result in a black colored mixture, capable of independent movement and thought.

Patch changes

External links