Catlike Reflexes (hunter talent)

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For the pet ability, see [Catlike Reflexes].
Catlike Reflexes
Ability hunter catlikereflexes.png
Class Hunter

Catlike Reflexes is a beast mastery hunter talent.

Patch changes

Other versions

  • Wrath Classic

    Catlike Reflexes
    Ability hunter catlikereflexes.png
    • Catlike Reflexes (3 ranks)
    • Tier 7 Beast Mastery hunter talent
    • Passive
    • Increases your chance to dodge by 1/2/3% and your pet's chance to dodge by an additional 3/6/9%. In addition, reduces the cooldown of your Kill Command ability by 10/20/30 sec.
    Class Hunter
    Other information
    Affects [Kill Command]

External links

Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3
Rank 1Rank 2Rank 3