Category:Cooking recipe items
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This category is for World of Warcraft cooking recipe item articles and categories
Pages in category "Cooking recipe items"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 335 total.
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- Recipe: Bad Clams
- Recipe: Baked Port Tato
- Recipe: Baked Rockfish
- Recipe: Baked Salmon
- Recipe: Banana-Infused Rum
- Recipe: Barbecued Buzzard Wing
- Recipe: Barracuda Mrglgagh
- Recipe: Basilisk Liverdog
- Recipe: Bat Bites
- Battle for Azeroth cooking recipes
- Recipe: Bear Tartare
- Recipe: Beer Basted Boar Ribs
- Recipe: Beer-Basted Crocolisk
- Recipe: Big Bear Steak
- Recipe: Bil'Tong
- Recipe: Blackbelly Sushi
- Recipe: Blackened Basilisk
- Recipe: Blackened Dragonfin
- Recipe: Blackened Sporefish
- Recipe: Blackened Trout
- Recipe: Blackened Worg Steak
- Recipe Idea: Blackrock Barbecue
- Recipe Idea: Blackrock Ham
- Recipe: Blood Sausage
- Recipe: Blubbery Muffin
- Recipe: Bonemeal Bread
- Recipe: Bountiful Captain's Feast
- Recipe: Braised Bruffalon Brisket
- Recipe Idea: Braised Riverbeast
- Recipe: Bread of the Dead
- Recipe: Breakfast of Draconic Champions
- Recipe: Brilliant Smallfish
- Recipe: Bristle Whisker Catfish
- Recipe: Broiled Bloodfin
- Recipe: Broiled Dragon Feast
- Recipe: Broiled Mountain Trout
- Recipe: Buttered Sturgeon
- Recipe: Buzzard Bites
- Recipe Idea: Calamari Crepes
- Recipe: Candied Sweet Potato
- Recipe: Captain Rumsey's Lager
- Recipe: Carrion Surprise
- Cataclysm cooking recipes
- Recipe: Celebratory Cake
- Ratcipe: Charitable Cheddar
- Recipe: Charred Bear Kabobs
- Recipe: Charred Hornswog Steaks
- Recipe: Cheese and Quackers
- Recipe: Chocolate Cookie
- Recipe: Churnbelly Tea
- Recipe: Clam Bar
- Recipe: Clam Chowder
- Classic cooking recipes
- Recipe Idea: Clefthoof Sausages
- Master Cookbook
- Recipe: Cooked Crab Claw
- Recipe: Cooked Glossy Mightfish
- Cooking Pot (Demon Broiled Surprise)
- Cooking Pot (Kaliri Stew)
- Cooking Pot (Spiritual Soup)
- Cooking recipes
- Recipe: Cranberry Chutney
- Recipe: Crispy Bacon
- Recipe: Crispy Bat Wing
- Recipe: Crispy Lizard Tail
- Recipe: Critter Bites
- Recipe: Crocolisk Au Gratin
- Recipe: Crocolisk Gumbo
- Recipe: Crocolisk Steak
- Recipe: Crunchy Serpent
- Recipe: Crunchy Spider Surprise
- Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet
- Recipe: Cuttlesteak
- Recipe: Darkclaw Bisque
- Recipe: Deep-Fried Mossgill
- Recipe: Delicious Chocolate Cake
- Recipe: Delicious Dragon Spittle
- Recipe: Delicious Sagefish Tail
- Recipe: Deluxe Noodle Cart Kit
- Ratcipe: Deviously Deviled Eggs
- Plump Dig Rat
- Recipe: Dig Rat Stew
- Recipe: Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops
- Draenor cooking recipes
- Dragon Isles cooking recipes
- Recipe: Dragonbreath Chili
- Recipe: Dragonfin Filet
- Recipe: Dried Mackerel Strips
- Recipe: Drogbar-Style Salmon
- Recipe: Fancy Darkmoon Feast
- Recipe: Farmer's Delight
- Recipe: Faronaar Fizz
- Recipe Idea: Fat Sleeper Cakes
- Recipe: Fated Fortune Cookie
- Recipe Idea: Feast of Blood
- Recipe: Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism
- Recipe: Feast of the Fishes
- Recipe Idea: Feast of the Waters
- Recipe: Feathered Lure
- Recipe: Feisty Fish Sticks
- Recipe: Fel Eggs and Ham
- Recipe: Feltail Delight
- Recipe Idea: Fiery Calamari
- Recipe: Fighter Chow
- Recipe: Filet of Fangs
- Recipe: Filet of Redgill
- Recipe: Fillet of Frenzy
- Recipe: Firecracker Salmon
- Recipe: Firewater Sorbet
- Recipe: Fish Feast
- Recipe: Fish Fry
- Recipe: Scalding Murglesnout
- Recipe: Fishbrul Special
- Recipe: Fluffy Silkfeather Omelet
- Recipe: Fortune Cookie
- Tablet of Ren Yun
- Recipe: Fragrant Kakavia
- Recipe Idea: Frosty Stew
- Recipe: Galley Banquet
- Recipe: Giant Clam Scorcho
- Recipe: Gigantic Feast
- Recipe: Gingerbread Cookie
- Recipe: Golden Fish Sticks
- Recipe: Goldthorn Tea
- Recipe: Gooey Spider Cake
- Recipe: Goretusk Liver Pie
- Recipe Idea: Gorgrond Chowder
- Recipe: Gral's Devotion
- Recipe: Gral's Reverence
- Recipe: Gral's Veneration
- Recipe: Grand Deluxe Noodle Cart Kit
- Recipe: Grand Noodle Cart Kit
- Recipe: Great Cerulean Sea
- Recipe: Great Pandaren Banquet
- Recipe: Grilled Catfish
- Recipe: Grilled Dragon
- Recipe Idea: Grilled Gulper
- Recipe: Grilled Mudfish
- Recipe: Grilled Squid
- Recipe: Haunted Herring
- Recipe: Heartsbane Hexwurst
- Recipe Idea: Hearty Elekk Steak
- Recipe: Hearty Feast
- Recipe: Hearty Rhino
- Recipe: Hearty Seafood Soup
- Recipe: Heavy Crocolisk Stew
- Recipe: Heavy Kodo Stew
- Recipe: Highland Spirits
- Recipe: Hoard of Draconic Delicacies
- Recipe: Honey-Glazed Haunches
- Recipe: Hopefully Healthy
- Recipe: Hot Apple Cider
- Recipe: Hot Lion Chops
- Recipe: Hot Smoked Bass
- Recipe: Hot Wolf Ribs
- Recipe: The Hungry Magister
- Recipe: Hungry Whelpling Breakfast
- Recipe: Last Week's Mammoth
- Recipe: Lavascale Fillet
- Recipe: Lavascale Minestrone
- Recipe: Lavish Suramar Feast
- Recipe: Lean Venison
- Recipe: Lean Wolf Steak
- Legion cooking recipes
- Recipe: Lemon Herb Filet
- Recipe: Leybeque Ribs
- Recipe: Lightly Fried Lurker
- Recipe: Loa Loaf
- Recipe: Lobster Stew
- Recipe: Loch Frenzy Delight
- Recipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper
- Recipe: Lurker Lunch
- Recipe: Lynx Steak