Carriage Crusher

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MobCarriage Crusher
Image of Carriage Crusher
Race Mawsworn construct (Undead)
Level 61 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Beastwarrens, Maw [46.0, 56.7]

The Carriage Crusher is a Mawsworn construct located on the southern end of the bridge between Calcis and the Beastwarrens in the Maw. The boss of the Assault Supply Carriage Korthian vignette, players must defend the carriage from the crusher for credit on the  [Conquering Korthia] achievement.

Killing Carriage Crusher awards 100 points of standing with Ve'nari, roughly 75 [Stygia], and 500 points of threat (50% of a level) of Eye of the Jailer. The crusher also drops ~50x  [Relic Fragment] and is also worth 5% progress towards N [60W] Shaping Fate and may drop the  [Carriage Crusher's Padded Slippers] and  [Maw Construct's Shoulderguards]


  • Spell shadow psychicscream.png Cries of the Tormented — Fears enemies within 80 yards of the caster for 5 sec.
  • Ability warrior decisivestrike.png Crush Armor — Bash at an enemy's armor, reducing it per Crush Armor. Can be applied up to 5 times. Lasts 20 sec.


The Assault Supply Carriage ready to roll

Once an hour (if the previous run was successful) or every fifteen minutes otherwise, the event starts at [58.2, 17.7] just outside of Keeper's Respite in Korthia near the border with the Maw. Wicklick wants to take the carriage through the Beastwarrens up into Zovaal's Cauldron. Predictably, the plan goes awry and three groups will waylay the carriage.

  • An Assault Supply Carriage is preparing to leave Korthia for the Maw. (zone-wide in Korthia)
  • An Assault Supply Carriage departs from Korthia with a shipment of anima. (zone-wide in the Maw)

Up to three players can ride the carriage, where they have access to two abilities:

  1. Inv trinket revendreth 01 gold.png Anima Tasting — Enjoy a sip of the anima being shipped to the assault, healing yourself over 30 sec. Instant (15 sec cooldown)
  2. Inv archaeology orcclans metalworkershammer.png Repair Carriage — Help repair the carriage, restoring health to it over 15 sec. 15 sec channel (30 sec cooldown)

Sixty seconds after the zone-wide emote, Wicklick takes off, ready or not:

Wicklick says: Everything's strapped on tight. All aboard for a trip to da Maw!
Wicklick says: Hope you brought yer weapons... Dis is gonna be a rough ride.
Night Fae
Wicklick says: Them faerie folk are looking into a spooky darkness spreading out on da Crucible.
Wicklick says: Gonna need dis anima to power their big fancy spells and whatnot, I guessin'.
Wicklick says: Prince Renathal sparin' no expense in his assault on the Tremaculum. Anima, dredgers, tea... It's all dere.
Wicklick says: If we gots any free time while we dere, Imma get Stonehead to toss me up in the air. See if I can touch the tower ha ha!

Outside Desmotaeron:

Wicklick says: Hold up dere, ponies! One of dem carriage wheels just cracked...
Anima-starved Defector says: Prepare yourself!
Wicklick says: Keep a lookout while I get this wheel fixed up, yeah?

The carriage conveniently breaks down at [62.6, 66.9] outside a gate to Desmotaeron, where some anima-starved Maldraxxi defectors strike:

Anima-starved Defector says: And so... it ends...
Anima-starved Defector says: To battle!
Anima-starved Defector says: Deeds... last... forever...

Finish them off:

Wicklick yells: Dere! Wheel's all fixed up. E'ryone get back onboard!
Wicklick says: Alright, ponies. Get us outta here!
Wicklick says: Can you believe a carriage wheel broke out here like dat?
Wicklick says: Bit of bad luck from the muck, yeah?
Wicklick says: No way dat happens again. Dat'd be most improbable!
Wicklick says: Another broken wheel?!
Wicklick says: I bet Stonehead was sittin' on dese carriages again! I told him he's gonna break dem, I says...

The second breakdown takes place at [52.6, 62.7] at the forks in the road. Some Anima-crazed Stygia and Anima-starved Soulfeasters attack.

Finish them off:

Wicklick yells: Dere we go! All four wheels patched up and ready to go. E'eryone onboard!
Wicklick says: Dis Maw's worse dan da muckpool I got pulled from. If da Jailer made dis place, den I agree with da rest: he's gotta go!
Wicklick says: I means, I like da glowy lights he's got floatin' around, but dese roads look like dey were built to break wheels!
Wicklick says: And who does he think he is, jailin' e'erybody he don't like? I never liked dat Laurent, but you don't see me tryin' to jail 'em, yeah?
Wicklick says: Anyway, what I been tryin' to say is dat--
Wicklick says: Oh muck.
Wicklick says: Well, we found somethin' worse than a wheel crack...
Wicklick points at the massive construct blocking the bridge.
Wicklick says: That!

The carriage stops again at [46.0, 56.7] just before the bridge to Calcis, where the Carriage Crusher spawns. A level 61 rare elite, the construct must be destroyed. Don't be afraid to dip back into the carriage and channel a repair ability if necessary.

Fend it off. The vignette ends here, but players can hitch a ride to the active assault once Wicklick leaves after a minute or so::

Wicklick says: Enough playin' in da muck. I'm not stoppin' da rest of the way!
Wicklick says: Hops onboard if you wanna lift to the assault. Otherwise, I be seein' ya 'round.
Wicklick says: Dem kyrian's camp just ahead. Won't be much longer.
Wicklick says: I wonder if Emeni gonna be in camp when we get dere...
Wicklick says: She told me she'd cut me in half if I came back without anima dis time...
Wicklick says: She's a funny one, dat is. Ha ha!
Wicklick says: I brought some extra anima dis time, just in case she weren't jokin'... But I'm sure she was, yeah?
Night Fae
Wicklick says: Hope dem faeries 'ppreciate what we went through to get 'em dis anima...
Wicklick says: And we didn't even drink all of it on da way ha ha!
Wicklick says: I heard da necrolords are helping out at da crucible. Hope Emeni is dere... ripe funny dat one!
Wicklick says: The prince and his army are out on the furthest edge of the Maw. Told 'em I could still get anima to 'em no problem though.
Wicklick says: Glad you was here to help me make it through the baddies, though. Take a sip of da anima. You earned it!
Wicklick says: But when we get close, stop drinkin' the anima... Prince don't like when I let's passengers do dat, yeah?

On arrival:

Wicklick says: Thanks for the help. Now off with ya savin' da world and all.
Wicklick yells: Anima restock from Korthia!

Should the carriage run out of health:

Wicklick yells: No! The carriage! I failed...

Tracking quest

To check whether Carriage Crusher was looted today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64258))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Carriage Crusher was looted today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links

Carriage Crusher Assault Supply Carriage