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Image of Caramain
Gender Male
Race Stoneborn (Humanoid)
Level 62 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Grand Walk, Castle Nathria
Status Killable

Caramain is a stoneborn located in Castle Nathria. Upon entering the Grand Walk, he is the first right most stone statue you can see. After defeating Mudlump, Sire Denathrius will enter the room and taunt the adventurers before giving anima to the statues, bringing Caramain and the others to life.


  • Inv ring revendrethraid 01 green.png Curse of Caramain — Caramain afflicts players with a curse that decreases healing taken by 100%.
  • Inv misc volatileearth.png Erupting Stone — Stones erupt beneath the target's feet after 4 sec, inflicting X Physical damage to allies within 3.5 yards and knocking them into the air.
  • Spell animarevendreth groundstate.png Sanguine Shatter — Dispels the effects of Sanguine Shield.
  • Spell druid bloodythrash.png Stone Claws — Inflicts X Physical damage and causes the target to bleed for X Physical damage every 1 sec for 8 sec.
  • Inv shoulder 03.png Stoneskin — Causes an enemy to take 35% increased Nature damage for 15 sec.

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