Captain Quarterflash

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AllianceCaptain Quarterflash
Image of Captain Quarterflash
Title <7th Legion>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) 7th Legion
Occupation Captain
Location Mangrove Shore, Nazmir

Captain Quarterflash is a gnome located in at Mangrove Shore in Nazmir.

Objective of


  • By my calculations, we've lost two point five three nine, repeating of course, percent from our success rate. We must hurry the repairs!
  • C'mon! Get those tanks repaired! We're falling behind schedule!
  • Hurry up, people! We've only got a short window to get these siege tanks deployed before the Horde discovers we're here.
By my calculations, your chance of success is... zero!
This wasn't in my calculations...

Patch changes

External links