Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch (Horde)

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HordeCall to Arms: Warsong Gulch
Start Horde Horde Warbringer
End Horde Horde Warbringer
Level 70 (Requires 10)
Type PvP Daily
Category Warsong Gulch
Experience 875 - 12300
Rewards up to +419 Honor Points
up to 11g 99s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [70P Daily] Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch.

One of the daily battleground PvP quests for money and bonus [Honor Points]. See Event calendar on the official site for which battleground has the daily PvP quest.


Win a Warsong Gulch battleground match and return to a Horde Warbringer at any Horde capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath.

  • Victory in Warsong Gulch


The Alliance is an insidious enemy, <name>. They claim to defend the Ashenvale forests to justify their acts of aggression against our territories in the Barrens.

Today we have an opportunity to drive the enemy from our lands once and for all. Go to Warsong Gulch and take back what is rightfully ours!


You're back! Do you bring news of victory?


  • 11g 99s & 419 Honor Points at level 70.


The Horde is in your debt, <name>. You've made your people proud with your courage in defending our lands.

Patch changes

External links