Buzzbox 323 (quest)

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AllianceBuzzbox 323
Start Buzzbox 411[41, 28]
End Buzzbox 323[51, 24]
Level 14 (Requires 10)
Category Darkshore
Experience 975 EXP (or 6s at level 70)
Rewards 6s
Previous A [12] Buzzbox 411
Next A [16] Buzzbox 525


Collect 6 Moonstalker Fangs and place them in Buzzbox 323.


The Buzzbox gives a burst of static as you hear Wizbang begin to speak.

"The next Buzzbox is number 323. Ish north of Auberdine but... where's the ale? Wha? Oh, ish on the road sho ya shouldn't have trouble finding it near the bridge."

Wizbang mumbles something incoherent before you hear a loud gulping sound.

"Thish one needs Moonstalker Fangs... 6 of 'em."


You will receive:


Though you have yet to place the 6 Moonstalker Fangs inside, you believe you hear the sounds of static and incoherent gnome ramblings coming from within. Could someone else have fixed the machine already?


The Buzzbox suddenly leaps into action, and you can hear the distinct sounds of teeth being ground to dust coming from within.

"Sho, ya made it! Thatsh exshellent newsh... Sho... Why doncha move along? Oh! Unless you want another job!"


  1. A [10] Buzzbox 827
  2. A [12] Buzzbox 411
  3. A [14] Buzzbox 323
  4. A [16] Buzzbox 525

Patch changes

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