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Image of Bromithus
Title <Caffeinomancer>
Gender Male
Race Green dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 68-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Green dragonflight
Location Late Night Lab, Thaldraszus

Bromithus is a green dragon located in the Late Night Lab in Thaldraszus.


Inv drink 26 goatsmilk.png [Black Dragon Red Eye]
2g 50s
Inv drink 12.png [Coldarra Coldbrew]
2g 50s
Inv drink 15.png [Dreamwarding Dripbrew]
2g 50s
Inv drink 23.png [Flappuccino]
Inv potion 33.png [Life Fire Latte]
2g 50s



Make yourself at home, friend, but heed my warning. The coffee we serve here is not meant for mortal consumption. Unless, of course, it is your goal to remain sleepless for an entire moon.

Gossip What exactly are you doing here?

You think it strange, don't you? Well, even we guardians of the Dream need to remain awake every once in a while.
As a skilled botanist and an accomplished oneiromancer, I am just as skilled in keeping people awake as I am in helping them to sleep. Here at the Academy, the former serves a more immediately necessary function.

Buy Show me what you have for sale.

Patch changes

External links