Break a Few Eggs (Classic)

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For the Nazjatar quest, see B [50] Break a Few Eggs.
HordeBreak a Few Eggs
Start Cook Torka
End Cook Torka
Level 8 (Requires 6)
Category Durotar
Experience 70-700
Rewards 2s 25c


Bring 3 Taillasher Eggs to Cook Torka in Razor Hill.


Bah! I almost forgot I need to get breakfast ready.

<Name>, get yourself movin' and get me some Taillasher Eggs. I'll need at least three of them if I'm going to have enough for tomorrow's meal.

The Bloodtalon Taillashers can be fierce, and protect their eggs to the death more often than not. They sometimes bury their eggs too deep in the earth to uncover safely, but if you head to the Echo Isles to the southeast of Sen'jin Village, you can usually find them all over those islands.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:

5x  [Tough Hunk of Bread]
5x  [Tough Jerky]


Breakfast, lunch, dinner! Who cares which meal it is? It still has to be cooked by someone—namely me!


You might be weak, but at least you're not clumsy, <name>.

Here, take this and get outta my way. I've got cooking to do.


Taillasher eggs appear randomly throughout the Echo Isles. Look for clutches of pink eggs guarded by a Bloodtalon Taillasher.

The following quests should all be done together, as they all require you to go to the Echo Isles. Doing them all at once saves a lot of swimming:

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