Break It Down

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NeutralBreak It Down
Start Primrose
End Primrose
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 9,700
Reputation +160 The Wild Hunt
Rewards 37g 55s 70c
Previous N [55-60] Infusing the Wildseed
Next N [55-60] Beneath the Mask


Use Primrose's Pyrotechnic Powder to destroy 5 Ritual Altars.


I've seen the ritual. It's... terrifying.

But the altars seem to be the key. If only I had my pyrotechnic powder, I could blast them to bits!

<Primrose is silent for a moment, then takes a deep breath.>

If you could get the powder and guard me, we could blow up those altars.

I stashed as much as I could in our dwellings. They don't seem to care any more.

You don't have wings, but a pinch of faerie dust should work for a short time.

Let's do this before I change my mind!


You will receive:


I don't know if this was a good idea....


We did it! All the altars are destroyed!


On accept
Primrose says: Wait! I-I'm coming with you!

First, loot  [Pinch of Faerie Dust] from Shimmerbough Ritualists and Possessed Defenders or click on Basket of Enchanted Wings. The dust and the basket give the Faerie's Blessing buff that allow you to fly in Shimmerbough. Get up on the baskets (if you are a rogue, [Grappling Hook] can be used) that contain Faerie Belongings to loot  [Primrose's Pyrotechnic Powder]. Upon looting the first one:

Primrose says: You found some powder! I can blow up an altar with that much. At least I hope I can....
Approaching one altar
Primrose says: There's one of the altars. Sprinkle some powder on it and let's give this a shot....
First altar coated
Primrose says: That should be enough powder. Oh, what if this doesn't work?
Primrose says: I wasn't sure if we could, but we did it. Let's keep going.
Second altar coated
Primrose says: Another altar... they moved so quickly. Nobody could react in time....
Primrose says: Take that! Heh, I think I'm getting good at this.
Third altar coated
Primrose says: Stone isn't found in Ardenweald. These altars are an abomination.
Primrose says: With the mask in place, they drive a stone spike into the chest, completing the ritual. Not any more!
Fourth altar coated
Primrose says: So many of my friends were taken, turned against their wills. I won't let them take any more.
Primrose says: I will make them pay for what they did to all of you....
Fifth altar coated
Primrose says: This is the last one. Let's take it out!
Primrose says: We did it! Now they can't do any more rituals.


  1. N [55-60] Blooming Villains (optional), N [55-60] Break It Down, and N [55-60] Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There
  2. N [55-60] Beneath the Mask

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