Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There

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NeutralWake Up, Get Up, Get Out There
Start Primrose
End Primrose
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 9,700
Reputation +160 The Wild Hunt
Rewards 37g 55s 70c
Previous N [55-60] Infusing the Wildseed
Next N [55-60] Beneath the Mask


Aid 8 subdued faeries.


They need your help!

Not all of the faeries have been turned yet. Some remain prisoner, but they have these masks on their faces....

You've got to help them! I'm not strong enough to pry off the masks, but you could! You could stop the guards from getting us too!


You will receive:


Please, we have to hurry! I know what comes next....


You saved my friends!

<Primrose gives you a small grin.>

We... we make a pretty good team, huh?


On accept
Primrose says: Wait! I-I'm coming with you!
Faeries rescued
  • Subdued Faerie says: Primrose? What's going on? What are they doing to everyone?
  • Subdued Faerie says: W... what happened? The mask, it was so sudden....
  • Subdued Faerie says: I fought... as long as I could. I hope the others are okay....
  • Subdued Faerie says: Ah, I can finally think straight! Stay away from those masks, no matter what!
  • Subdued Faerie says: Primrose, is that you? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm getting out of here!


  1. N [55-60] Blooming Villains (optional), N [55-60] Break It Down, and N [55-60] Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There
  2. N [55-60] Beneath the Mask

Patch changes

External links