Breaching the Path (Alliance)

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AllianceBreaching the Path
Start Wildhammer Gryphon Rider
End Wildhammer Gryphon Rider
Level 25-30
Type Group
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 15800 EXP (or 9g 48s at level 70)
Previous A [25-30G] The Path of Conquest
Next A [25-30G] Blood Elf + Giant = ???
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [25-30G] Breaching the Path.


Slay 20 Eclipsion Soldiers, 10 Eclipsion Cavaliers, and 5 Sons of Corok and then use the  [Wildhammer Flare Gun] to signal another Wildhammer Gryphon Rider to report your task complete. Speak with Thane Yoregar at Wildhammer Stronghold in Shadowmoon Valley should you lose your  [Wildhammer Flare Gun] and require a replacement.


We're going to need more time, <race>. I'm going to fly further ahead with some of the other gryphon riders. Hopefully, we can gather some more information. What I need from you now is to clear a path and more importantly, keep their arrows pointed away from us!

Call for a gryphon rider with the Wildhammer flare gun once you have thinned their numbers.


You won't believe this, soldier!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 15800 XP (or 9g 48s at level 70)


  1. B [25-30G] The Path of Conquest
  2. B [25-30G] Breaching the Path
  3. A [25-30G] Blood Elf + Giant = ??? / H [25-30G] When Worlds Collide...
  4. B [25-30G] Tabards of the Illidari
  5. B [25-30G3] Dissension Amongst the Ranks...

External links