Bloodwarder Steward

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MobBloodwarder Steward
Image of Bloodwarder Steward
Gender Both
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 20-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bloodwarders
Location Botanica
Status Killable

Bloodwarder Stewards are elite blood elven warriors equipped with enchanted greatswords and blood red plate armor. Stewards can tap into the arcane to enter a brief, but terrifying frenzy. They are among Commander Sarannis' personal guard. The Bloodwarders' charge is to defend the main entrance to the Botanica from invasion.


  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Arcane Flurry — Attacks nearby enemies in a flurry of axes that lasts 10 sec. Channeled spell which cannot be interrupted.

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