Bloodmaul Taskmaster

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Not to be confused with Bloodmaul Taskmaster (Frostfire Ridge).
MobBloodmaul Taskmaster
Image of Bloodmaul Taskmaster
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 20-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bloodmaul clan
Location Daggermaw Canyon, Blade's Edge Mountains
Status Killable

Bloodmaul Taskmasters are ogres found in Daggermaw Canyon in Blade's Edge Mountains. They become neutral once becoming neutral with Ogri'la. However, they remain attackable without damaging Ogri'la reputation.


  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Bloodmaul Rage — Increases the caster's Physical damage by 100%, but reduces movement speed by 75%. Lasts 7 sec.
  • Ability golemthunderclap.png Knockdown — Inflicts damage to an enemy, stunning it for 1 sec.


Attacking and killing them while neutral has a chance to say unique text:

  • Aggro
    • You no cast spells!
    • Me angered. Raaah!
    • I'll crush you!
    • Me mad. You get smash in face!
    • Mmm, me wanna bash!
    • Raaaah!
    • Raaar!!! Me smash <race>!
    • Stupid puny thing. Me smash!
    • Me smash! You die!
    Drinking  [Bloodmaul Brutebane Brew]
    • Mmmm, Bloodmaul Brew!
    • Ahhh, dat feel guud!
    • Ahhh, guud stuff!
    • Buuuurrp...
    Blowing a /kiss
    Aw, me not think it work out between us.
  • Death
    • Agh... me am...dead.
    • <King/Queen> <name>, me die now.
    • <King/Queen> think... there really is... an Ogri'la?
    • Me go to... Ogri'la.
    • Me honored... <king/queen> kill me.
    • Puny <race>... you were a... horrible <king/queen>.

They also respond to some emotes by waving back.

Patch changes

External links