Bloodfang Lurker

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MobBloodfang Lurker
Image of Bloodfang Lurker
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Level 3 - 4
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Bloodfang pack
Location Military District, Gilneas City

Bloodfang Lurkers are stealthed worgen that appear in the streets of the Military District in Gilneas City after the quest A IconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif [1-30] The Rebel Lord's Arsenal. They tend to be difficult to see, but thankfully players are given a mastiff for the quest below that aids them in locating these mobs.


  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Enrage — Enrages, increasing physical damage and attack speed for 2 min.
  • Ability stealth.png Shadowstalker Stealth — Puts the caster in stealth mode. Lasts until cancelled.
  • Ability hunter pet crab.png Undying Frenzy — Chops, dices and minces your enemy.
  • Ability mount whitedirewolf.png Undying Frenzy — Chops, dices and minces your enemy in 5 sec.

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