Blood of the Betrayer

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NeutralBlood of the Betrayer
Start Zazzo Twinklefingers
End Zazzo Twinklefingers
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Category Rogue
Reputation +500 Ravenholdt
Rewards 16g 54s
Previous N Rogue [35] Our Man in Karazhan
Next N Rogue [35] Victory in the Depths

This rogue-only quest is the tenth part of the chain to obtain the legendary dagger set Fangs of the Father. It is the last of three [Stealth]-based and two assassination missions.


Sneak into the Master's Cellar in the ruins around Karazhan, defeat Nalice, and acquire a Vial of Black Dragonsblood.


I've pinpointed Nalice to the Master's Cellar, an extended basement you'll find in the ruins up ahead.

Dragon cultists are everywhere, and Nalice has set up some strange arcane storage devices throughout the area. Perhaps you can use those to your advantage?

Sneak past the cultists, obliterate Nalice, and grab a vial of her blood for Wrathion.

I'll keep my eyes on you and pull you out if you get into any trouble. But I'm NOT coming in there with you!


You will receive: 16g 54s


Nalice. Dead?


You did it? She's dead? Unbelievable! You're some kind of miracle-worker!

Here, let me see that blood. I can preserve its energies in an arcane matrix for your trip back...


Attempting to just fly to the quest objective will result in being teleported back to Zazzo Twinklefingers and him saying either of the following:

  • Zazzo Twinklefingers says: You can't just fly in there - you'll be spotted for sure. Don't you think we've already tried that?
  • Zazzo Twinklefingers says: You can't fly and be stealthy at the same time.... I tried.

Zazzo is keeping an eye on the player with the debuff Inv misc eye 03.png Eye of Zazzo. Getting caught, Zazzo will teleport the player back to him and say either of the following:

  • Zazzo Twinklefingers says: Zazzo to the rescue! Keep trying...
  • Zazzo Twinklefingers says: Wrathion believes in you. I know you can do this!
  • Zazzo Twinklefingers says: Maybe it's your gear?
  • Zazzo Twinklefingers says: You're going to have to pull out every trick you know in order to get in there.
  • Zazzo Twinklefingers says: I know, right?

Approaching Nalice:

Zazzo Twinklefingers whispers: You're in! Nalice has wards that negate my magic, so I won't be able to help you from here on out. Go get her!
Nalice says: An assassin! Did the little whelpling send you after me? Come rogue. Let's dance.
Arcane Pillar
Nalice says: I've got some secrets of my own, rogue.
Nalice says: I... I need more time!
10% Health
Nalice says: This isn't how it ends. Not for me. I'm a survivor.
Nalice says: You cling to a shattered world... Your time comes... Soon enough...
After a second, the player is teleported out by Zazzo.
Zazzo Twinklefingers says: Success! Another corrupt dragon obliterated! Soon, none will stand but Deathwing himself...


  1. N Rogue [35] Proving Your Worth
  2. N Rogue [35] A Hidden Message
  3. N Rogue [35] To Ravenholdt
  4. N Rogue [35] To Catch a Thief
  5. N Rogue [35] Our Man in Gilneas
  6. N Rogue [35] Assassinate Creed
  7. N Rogue [35] The Deed is Done
  8. N Rogue [35] Cluster Clutch
  9. N Rogue [35] Our Man in Karazhan
  10. N Rogue [35] Blood of the Betrayer
  11. N Rogue [35] Victory in the Depths
  12. N Rogue [35] Sharpening Your Fangs
  13. N Rogue [35] Patricide

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