Bleeding the Bleeding Hollow (Alliance)

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AllianceBleeding the Bleeding Hollow
Start Tanaan Planning Map
End Exarch Yrel
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Daily
Category Tanaan Jungle
Experience 22,610
Reputation +500 Hand of the Prophet
Rewards 600 Oil (currency), 2000 Apexis Crystal
46g 20s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40 Daily] Bleeding the Bleeding Hollow.


Assault the Bleeding Hollow at Zeth'Gol in Tanaan Jungle.

  • Assault the Bleeding Hollow at Zeth'Gol


The Bleeding Hollow provide significant reinforcement to the Iron Horde in Tanaan. From their home in Zeth'Gol they relentlessly pursue our scouts, disrupt our operations, and gather more power for Gul'dan's magic.

We should consider a direct raid on Zeth'Gol to make them pull back their forces across the valley. This should give us some breathing room... for a time.


You will receive:


Have you completed the raid yet, general?


Well done, commander! The Bleeding Hollow are sending their best warriors back to Zeth'Gol to defend it.

This should give us an advantage, albeit temporarily.


Patch changes

External links