Bled Dry

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AllianceBled Dry

Karabor Slaves
Start Taag [62.3, 53.0]
End Khadgar [71.5, 62.4]
Level 10-40
Category Assault on the Dark Portal
Experience 13700
Rewards 11g 40s
Previous N [10-40] The Cost of War
Next N [10-40] Altar Altercation
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-40] Bled Dry.


Free slaves from the 2 Bleeding Hollow Cages in Heartblood.


<The draenei spits out his last words:>

They kept us in cages. They... drain our blood, for... rituals...

<He coughs violently.>

...many left --

    -- my... people...

<The draenei dies.>


You will receive:

  • 11g 40s
  • 13700 XP


You should save those draenei, <name>. It is the fight thing to do.


Well done, <name>.

Given, they are injured, half-starved, and poorly-equipped... but there is no blade so sharp as a vengeful spirit, no armor so thick as a righteous cause.


On accept:

(Rephuura cries.)

Pick up A [10-40] Vengeance for the Fallen before heading out. The cages hold multiple slaves, so this shouldn't take long.

Approaching the cage:

  • Karabor Slave yells: Is anybody out there?
  • Karabor Slave yells: Help! Anybody!

Opening the cage:

  • Karabor Slave says: They were bleeding us dry. I don't think we had much longer...
  • Karabor Slave says: Whoever you are... thank you.

Once done with all three, find Khadgar and the party up the hill, southeast of where the Karabor prisoners were. Turn in to Khadgar.


  1. N [10-40] Warlords of Draenor: The Dark Portal (alternate)
  2. N [10-40] Azeroth's Last Stand
  3. N [10-40] Onslaught's End
  4. N [10-40] The Portal's Power
  5. N [10-40] The Cost of War
  6. Complete all of:
  7. N [10-40] Altar Altercation
  8. N [10-40] The Kargathar Proving Grounds
  9. B [10-40] A Potential Ally
  10. N [10-40] Kill Your Hundred
  11. Complete all of:
  12. B [10-40] Keli'dan the Breaker
  13. B [10-40] Prepare for Battle
  14. N [10-40] The Battle of the Forge
  15. Complete all of:
  16. N [10-40] Taking a Trip to the Top of the Tank
  17. N [10-40] A Taste of Iron
  18. B [10-40] The Home Stretch

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