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Image of Blakelow
Title <Nogg's Machine Shop>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Warsong Offensive
Location Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra
Status Alive

Blakelow is a goblin engineer from Nogg's Machine Shop in Orgrimmar.

He arrives to coach the goblin engineers in Warsong Hold to Always Be Crafting.


Blakelow says: Are they all here?
Williamson says: All but one.
Blakelow says: That's good enough for me.
Blakelow says: Can I have your attention for a moment!
Blakelow says: Because you're talkin' about what? Talkin' about the archlight spanner, whining about the smelting requirements of hardened adamantite, cryin' about some gnome that ripped you off...
Blakelow says: Let's talk about somethin' important.
Blakelow says: Put that Morning Glory dew DOWN! Morning Glory dew is for crafters only.
Blakelow says: Do you know I'm messin' with you? I am not messin' with you. I'm here from Orgrimmar. I'm here from Nogg's Machine Shop and I'm here on a mission of mercy.
Blakelow says: Your name's Leveny?
Chief Engineer Leveny says: Yea.
Blakelow says: And you call yourself a crafter, you son-of-a-gnome?
Goblin Siege Engineer says: I don't have to listen to your guff, mister!
Blakelow says: You certainly don't pal, 'cause the good news is YOU'RE FIRED! The bad news is you've got - you've all got - just one week to regain your jobs, starting with tonight's build.
Blakelow says: Oh... Have I got your attention now? Good, 'cause we're adding a little something to this month's crafting contest.
Blakelow says: As you all know, first prize is a Turbo-Charged Flying Machine. Anyone want to see second prize?
Blakelow says: Second prize is some fused wiring.
Blakelow says: Third prize is YOU'RE FIRED! You get the picture?
Blakelow says: You're laughin' now? You got tools! Thrall paid good money for those tools. Get out your blueprints and read them! If you can't build siege engines with the tools you're given, you can't build nothin', you are nothin', hit the bricks pal and take the first zeppelin out of here 'cause you are going out!
Chief Engineer Leveny says: The tools are weak!
Blakelow says: The tools are weak? You're weak! I've been in this business fifty years.
Goblin Siege Engineer says: Say, what's your name?
Blakelow says: Gnome lover, that's my name! You know why, buddy? 'Cause you rode into this shop on a broken down unicycle and I flew in here on a 5,000 gold piece, top of the line, armored wyvern. THAT'S my name!
Blakelow says: A-B-C. A-always, B-be, C-crafting. Always be crafting. Always be crafting!
Goblin Siege Engineer says: You're such a hero, you've got so much gold - why you coming down here and wasting your time on a bunch of losers?
Blakelow mounts a kodo.
Blakelow says: You see this kodo? DO YOU SEE THIS KODO? This kodo cost more than that toolbox you call a house. You see, pal, that's who I am. And you're nothin'.
Blakelow says: These are the new tools. These are the Gadgetzan Power tools. And to you, they're gold. And you don't get 'em. Because to give them to you is just like throwin' them into a scrap heap. They're for crafters. Crafters only!
Blakelow says: It takes brass ball-bearings to craft siege engines for the Horde. Now get with the program or hit the bricks.
Blakelow rides out on his kodo.


  • His exchange with Leveny and the engineers is a reference to an early scene in the movie version of the David Mamet play Glengarry Glen Ross wherein the Alec Baldwin character Blake exhorts the real estate agents he has come to coach to Always Be Closing.

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